Thursday, November 17, 2005

Amitai's Introduction

Originally, my friend Mendy concieved of a blog where all this year's Machal crop that he knows (around 5 or 6 guys) would regularly contribute towards a single blog, Machal Guys. In the end, only I sent in entries, and so it folded, and I directed my energies towards this blog. However, this was my whacky introduction, and when I thought about it langoring unread, I thought "For shame!," and so here it is, in full Technicolor life!

Amitai's Introduction

Hello, and welcome to the machal blog. The purpose of this blog is to record for all eternity and posterity the thoughts and feelings, stories and woes, loves and tears, of a faithful band of merry men, to translate the ungraspable mystery of life in the language of the modern religous zionist's military. As Wittgenstein is oft quoted as saying, "our language is our world," by exploring the terms and meanings that a soldier means to convey, we will inhabit his world, we will know him, and love him. Which is what the world needs now. That is, by reading this blog, not knowing the principals at all, you will come, hopefully, to a full and robust 2nd-hand knowledge of the army, a working command of the cause and effect of the Black Box that is Tzahal. Now, you might discount 2nd hand knowledge as artificial and contrived, but I would ask you then, do music connisiours lack appreciation for Mozart as they are not musical geniuses, or Beethoven because they are not deaf? And although we do not schep nachos from the compliments we ourselves pay to her, we still enjoy the eating of Bubbe's chicken soup. And so on, and so on, in this advanced society, a specialized civilization, most of things we enjoy and use directly must be done based upon trust and 2nd-hand knowledge. There is no shame that someone's mother, who will go unnamed, needed one full week to rememeber where was the power button on [maybe it was] my computer. Because that is the way life works. And so, even if you never have, and are not considering the army for you, this blog is for you.

And so, Welcome to the Blog.


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